CAYLEN (The Pain)

It perished
long ago,
my world died, now where
should I go?

Lost and damned
I’ve been

It’s just a
blink of an eye
and a thousand years
have gone by.

Stranded in new times
with all my heart I pray:
Dear gods, please
guide my way.

So many things have changed.
The world’s greatest powers,
they’ve been

The Enaiyans vanished,
all my suffering
in vain.

I need something to hope for,
but my heart is
filled with pain.

My heart
is filled with pain.

Perished long ago
has my world,
now where should I go?

Lost and damned
I remain
all alone.

CAYLEN (The Faith)

No! (whispered)
I may not falter!
No! (shouted)

Evil powers
free to fight,
ready to destroy
the light.

I have
to take
my oath once

The Enaiyans
are not here,
but I know they’ll
soon appear.

Can you
hear me call your

Tara is the one
that I need to find.
May the gods be
with me on my mission.

I will rush to her,
my path is clear to me.
I know I will make the
right decision.

Now I need to go,
for my time is tight.
Nothing stops me.
I will keep on moving.

Strengthened by my faith,
I know I will not fail.
The world’s fate is falling
on my shoulders.

Yet, I’ll be victorious!

Now that two thousand
years have passed,
I swear to do what my gods

So when the Guardian’s
oath is taken,
I will rise again
at last!

CAYLEN (The Oath)

We’re in service
of the gods.
On their behalf
we wield our sword.

Their word
is our law.
With their
wish we will accord.

With fire
and with steel,
we’ll protect what’s
good and fair.

But all those who
sow wickedness
will reap the blades we

We’re the spear tip
of the gods.

We are Vartori!

Weitere Beiträge zum Musical

Releases & Publications

Regisseur und Produzent Marc Blasweiler ließ sein Werk „Das Schicksal von Cysalion“ von 2010 bis 2014 mehrfach als Live-Action-Fantasymusical auf weiterlesen

Behind the Scenes

Sorry! Dieser Bereich ist derzeit noch geschlossen. Doch mit der Zeit werden sich die Türen öffnen! weiterlesen

CD Trackliste

Akt 1 Lied 01: Helden der Garde / ANETA / TARA Lied 02: Flamme von Hegar / DECEM / JADE / MELVENLied 03: Formidables Regat weiterlesen

Die Geschichte zum Musical

1898 - Cysalion befindet sich erneut im Krieg. Der junge Tayen Knightway wird von dem letzten lebenden Vartori auf eine riskante weiterlesen

John Oechtering

Als er etwa acht Jahre alt war, drückte ihm sein Vater vertrauensvoll seine Canon AE-1 in die Hand und sagte weiterlesen
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